Friday, 21 August 2015

Blessings 35-53 (We'll Make It!)

This will be a list of the "guess why I've not blogged in a bit" blessings I've had lately! I hope you've gotten to enjoy at least several of them this week or at some point this summer! Autumn is coming soon, and with it a whole new level of blessings, but enjoy the summertime while it lasts!

Blessing 35-Beautiful Weather!
Need I explain? Even today when it rained I still had lots of fun and it didn't hinder me from jumping into...

Blessing 36-The Ocean!

Blessing 37-Swimming!
Warm water, spinning, swimming, floating, wetness, cold spots, warm spots, seaweed, sand, shells, rocks, bubbles, swimsuit, fun!

Blessing 38-Raindrops on the Waves
Today when I was swimming it was raining for the first bit-true beauty! It was astoundingly gorgeous! If you haven't seen it, than you'll need to go to the beach sometime to see it. That reminds me...

Blessing 39-The Beach!
And a nice one nearby! Two scores in one blessing! So I'll add...

Blessing 40-A Nice Beach Nearby!

Blessing 41-My Paddle Board!
My paddle board is red, is a sports utility version, has been used a lot lately, and is named "Sweet Destiny". Great times have been had on that board!

Blessing 42-The Sport of Stand-Up Paddle Boarding!
If you were wondering, that's what I do on my paddle board!

Blessing 43-The Parade I got to See Today!
One of my siblings was involved, so that was exciting!

Blessing 44-My New Female Betta!
She's big and blue (blue stripes, I believe). She needs a "Z" name-I'm considering Zally. Suggestions are welcome! I just got her today, and I'm hoping to breed her!

Blessing 45-My New Male Betta!
He's big and blue (no stipes-gorgeous fins instead, all darted and spiky with a veil tail). He seems feisty. I also got him today. He also needs a "Z" name. I'm thinking "Zion". Suggestions, once again, are welcome! Oh, and if you were wondering, yes, he will be Zally's prospective mate!

Blessing 46-Zen
I may have mentioned him before, but Zen is my other male betta. He is lovely-all gorgeous colour and jazz! He flares beautifully (and frequently, to my chargin as I worry over his health!) and is so relaxing to watch (when he is simply swimming, not charging his own reflection like heading into WW3, which is stressful for me!). His nickname is "Zenbow", as he is my rainbow.

Blessing 47-Zipper
My first betta that got me entranced in the breed. RIP, little Zip Zip.

Blessing 48-Zipporah
My third betta that I got (Zipper, Zen, and then Zipporah). She died this month, sadly. RIP, little Zah.

Blessing 49-Bettas
Yes, I'm just flat-out thankful that God created bettas! They make my life better! God sure is good to me!

Blessing 50-This Blog
I'm realizing as I type that there are so many other blessings that I have! Its good to do that sometimes-just be thankful for what we have, because being honest we all have SOOOOOOOOOOO much, especially in North America. Even a poor person has many blessings. Often we forget to give God the praise that He so richly deserves, and this is a great public place for me to acknowledge that all of God's blessings are wonderful in my life! Maybe I'll never count up to a million blessings on this blog, but I know that I have more blessings than that, thanks to my wonderful Lord!

Blessing 51-Jesus!
This is one blessing that I can never post too often, you know?

Blessing 52-Teddy Bears
Random, but isn't it nice to hug something soft without poky, little bones (or big, sharp bones, or etc.) sometimes? I enjoy having one on my bed, despite allergies to dust. As you can tell, I can't exactly hug my pets!

Blessing 53-All My Other Blessings.
We'll expound more on that some other time! Good night!

God bless you with more blessings than you could count in eternity,

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