Saturday, 30 May 2015


I know...I've gotten off-already!
My life has been one word-HECTIC, in capital letters. Highlights it is red, write it in orange, circle it in neon pink and type it in bold print.
I was just at a camp, and until then I was working all day on school. I want to finish by next Saturday, if mortally possible. Please pray!
And camp...that a GIANT blessing! The speaker was Evangelist Mark Herbster. Wonderful preacher and meaningful messages!
I was able to receive five golds in creative writing, and several other ribbons (five others, actually) and be involved in lots (this is a "competitive" camp based around the use of talents for God-and glorifying God with those same talents). I got three bronzes, an honourable mention, and then mentioned five golds.
I will try to post again more frequently once I finish school. I just wanted to update you on all that. Maybe I'll share some of my poetry entries at the camp sometime soon!
Also, to those of you who don't know, I also have another That is the website, and there is a blog page. Now, it has been ignored lately as well, and will be picked up once again when school is over and I can live again! But if you want to read some stuff (one of the plays I entered at the camp-"Cut and Polished"-is on the blog in the "Plays" category), check out my stuff over there!
I have to go finish getting ready for the night, and unpack some more and change my sheets.
Have a great weekend! I'll see you after I finish school!!!!
God bless!

1 comment:

  1. I'll definitely be dropping by your other blog! Thanks for the update! :)
