Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Blessings 30-33

Blessing 30-How about pizza? Pizza is definitely a blessing. I love it! It is one of my favourite foods (anybody else agreeing with me?!)!!!! :D I especially love meat pizza and Hawaiian pizza. Of course, homemade pizza is pretty great, and that can have any mix of toppings. Just as a note, hamburger and canned corn are really great together on a topping. Thanks to a family friend for that combo!

Blessing 31-You Readers! You are a blessing to me!

Blessing 32-Pellet Fish Food. That is really odd, but it is useful with my fish. Those pellets are cleaner than fish food flakes, so save me time in cleaning water.

Blessing 33-Water. I need the ocean or some body of water nearby. I love water. Mud puddles to waterfalls, I love them all! :D

That's all for this time!!!! Hopefully these posts are loading correctly at their scheduled time. :)

God bless!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE PIZZA!! Especially cheese and pepperoni pineapple!
    And I like most any body of water. =)
